Berry bliss tea

January 18, 2015

So I'm getting re-acquainted with herbal tea. With a little stevia or honey, it is a warm cup of non-jittery sweetness.

It doesn't upset my tummy or wind me up as my favorite black teas sometimes do.

And since I'm saving money not buying sweets, breads, and other high-sugar, refined carb items, I can spring for these beautiful berries.

Look, even Victoria Magazine is getting in on the (berry) act . . . 

Celestial Seasonings True Blueberry tea in a very old teacup from Czecho-Slovakia . . . 

In other healthy news, check out these lovely items coming out of The Beautiful Matters's kitchen . . . 

Homemade granola bar with oats, coconut oil, and dried fruit.
Satisfying salad, with a little balsamic vinegar dressing.

Six pounds gone, and holding . . .  

Joining the tea party over at Rose Chintz Cottage.


  1. OMG! I'm just having the same berry tea and here you are with this gorgeous post and teapot too! The food looks yummy and the plates are so pretty too.
    Have a great week ahead my friend.

  2. Have not tried berry tea yet - sounds interesting!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  3. I'm with you about the jittery feeling of black tea. I'm on the hunt for some decaf. loose black tea. Online will be the source, I'm thinking. And that CS's True Blueberry is wonderful, for sure. :) You do have the best teacups!

  4. Wow Deborah, your photos are stunning. I can almost reach for those gorgeous and delightful berries. I love the tea cup and True Blueberry tea. I have not tried it but it will be on my list. Good luck with your healthy eating. Everything looks delish.

    I also saw the pretty Victoria Magazine. My favorite magazine.

    Have a great week.


  5. Hello, Lovely idea about getting away from the jittery feeling! You go girl on the healthy way of eating!
    I am going to try that tea! The photo was so pretty I just added it to my tea board!
    Hugs, Roxy

  6. Such pretty photos - worthy of a Victoria magazine spread! I grew a bunch of mint, lemon verbena and lemon balm last summer and dried the leaves. I enjoy sipping a blend of those herbs. Where did you find the recipe for the bars? Would you be willing to share?

  7. Dearest Deborah,
    Yes, there are lots of healthy substitutes and Victoria Magazine is right about showing it too. I've not had the luxury for reading it lately... but hope that soon we find some sunshine and time to do so!
    Thanks for your visits and comments and glad you found it useful. It sure helped me a lot. Got so disappointed last trip to Atlanta (3 hour drive one-way) at Costco that they had discontinued our favorite and healthy Whole Grain Loaf - 2 pack. We did not find any like that at Whole Foods Market or at Publix so far... Might have to start baking my own?!
    Hugs and blessings,

  8. Wow! Your photos were amazing, Deborah! I look forward to the recipes you will be sharing, yum!!
    Congratulations to you!


  9. The tea and berries sound delicious. Congratulations on your weight loss, I feel a whole lot better for losing some weight.

  10. This makes me want to go buy the orange mandarin spice tea...I used to like that a lot :)

    Lovely photos !

  11. I'm loving your berry bliss, Deborah! I had a bowl of berries this morning. Aren't they heavenly? Your teacup is perfect for your blueberry tea, and that dainty, flower bordered plate is lovely...swoon! I have a salad for lunch everyday that just about looks like yours!!! I never, ever get tired of having it, either.
    Yea for your six pounds that have melted away!!

  12. Your blueberry tea looks interesting. I love berries too and they are perfect with your tea. I bet the homemade granola and salad were delicious and healthy. Congrats on the weight too, it's not easy being good. Your blog went back to no-reply again! Have a nice day!

  13. Hi there! I'm a new follower and love this blog! Hoping I can find that amazing blueberry herbal tea. I'm drinking peppermint these days. All your food looks great, and the granola bar, especially. I threw together a little "last-minute" granola for some yogurt: just brown sugar, cinnamon, oats, and walnuts...but I think I'd rather have yours!

  14. Hi Deborah, Congrats on keeping the 6 pounds away. Love the berries and your special healthy treats. Your cup is gorgeous and your blueberry tea looks like it would be good too. I will look for this one. I've been hooked on Breakfast in Paris lately. It's by Stash but very hard to find. We have a health food grocer called Sprouts and they carry it there.
    Have fun!!

    p.s. the noreply is all messed up again and my blog is glitching like crazy. All my comments are going to spam and the dashboard again. I thought this was over, but here we go again!

  15. Hi Deborah,
    That is a pretty teacup and your salad looks absolutely delicious! The berries I could go for too. I love the plate your granola bar is sitting on. Six pounds lighter; good for you! Your thumbnail isn't showing up. I'll see if I can fix it. Thank you for joining me for Tea Time and enjoy your day.


  16. Beautiful photos of the berries, Deborah; they look like little jewels! Congrats on the 6lbs, and your new approach, i.e., not having 'dangerous' foods in the house; comparing them to addictive drugs - how effective! Today is the first day of 'watching what I eat', since I cannot call it an actual diet. Basically, I'm trying to cut down on sugar, hoping to completely remove it from my diet, one day. Also keeping an eye on the starchy stuff, and aiming towards more protein and veggies. I'm not a big fruit eater, and my next step is to start including more of it. Your progress is certainly motivating! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a wonderful week!

  17. Your blueberry herbal tea looks good Deborah but I really have to be in the mood to drink herbal - I like my black teas. Your salad and granola bar look nutritious, no wonder you've lost weight - good for you!
    I noticed the pattern on your teacup right away, very pretty.

  18. You go, girl! I love, love, LOVE berries of all kinds...I ate the last few raspberries on my cereal yesterday but still have some yummy blueberries. I have not tried the blueberry tea yet but have some in my box of Celestial mixed berry teas. Your salad also looks amazing...balsamic vinegrette is one of my faves!

  19. Congrats on your 6 lb. weight loss! The tea and berries look delicious!

  20. I drink herbal or caffeine-free teas in the afternoon or else I'll have trouble falling asleep. My dad is always reading about the health benefits of blueberries on the internet (so it must be true. Heh), therefore we're always eating blueberries.

  21. Blueberry Tea sounds excellent... I need to look for serve with some blueberry scones.

  22. Hello Deborah, I'm so glad you visited me and now I have found your blog where everything beautiful matters! And yes, it certainly does. I hope you enjoy reading China Court. I'll give you a heads up on one thing before reading it. When Godden writes about the past it will be as in the present. Example: Ripsie says. And if it is currently happening, it will read: Tracey said. That confused me at first but then it was a perfectly lovely way of bringing the past alive.

    Congratulations on your determination to eat healthier and exercise, and on the results you've already seen! I've enjoyed reading back through several pages of your posts and loved your post on time management. Schedule, that word we don't like but need, that pays off when we go by it and is forgiving enough to let us begin afresh the next morning. Good for you! Now if I can only try to do it, myself.

    I jotted down a few names on the book list nominations you gave us. Your A Million Little Ways: Uncovering the Art You Were Made to Live captivated my interest. And I do remember reading Wharton's The Buccaneers years ago when I was on a Wharton quest, marvelous!

    So nice to meet you! I've added you to my blogroll so I'll be sure to catch your new posts, which will give me a perfect excuse to explore more of your pretty blog.


  23. Congrats on losing and keeping it off! The picture with the berries and the tea box is terrific! All the photos are great, but that one is extra cool.

  24. That salad looks fantastic, Deborah. Your tea table is so pretty with the floral tablecloth and the pretty and delicious fruit. Your teacup is pretty too.
    Hugs, Beth

  25. Hey Beth ... Your Berry teaset is perfect for the " Celestial teas"... I love them for traveling with and you're right they are healing for the tummy... The salad looks fabulous ( Yummy) and it's just the thing I need for my teatime lunch... Hugs

  26. We often eat salads too, with the greens pre-dressed in a non-cream dressing. And we have home-made soups often too. Adam makes croutons with our old home-made bread, and they're yummy. And we often have what he called "a meat and two" -- a reasonable piece of lean beef (3-4 oz.) plus two steamed veggies. It's very low cal, and very satisfying. We end up eating meat only about 2 or 3 times weekly this way. I always feel satisfied, and we save $$.


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