Thank You, Lord

July 31, 2014

I have spent the past two weeks facing the possibility of a deadly form of cancer. I am so thankful to report that all looks well; no cancer. A follow-up appointment in four months just to be completely sure.

I can't tell you what I've been through in two weeks' time. I'm sure some of you have been through a cancer scare; all of these new tests we have are a blessing, but can also be a burden and can create so much worry.

All kinds of things go through your mind. You go to the worst-case scenario, and play it out. "I'm never going to see any grandchildren; I won't see two of my children even get married. I won't grow old with my husband."

I had already started thinking about what I might leave as tokens of my love for friends and family.

And I spent a lot of time in my Bible, about the only thing that brought me peace. 

There were times I would "forget" about my health for a little while, and then the possibility of serious illness and death would come rushing back, leaving me short of breath, stomach flip-flopping.

I can't express how thankful I am for this life. This short, precious life we've been given. This has reminded me, again, to be grateful for all that I have, to be kind to everyone I meet, and to love others well.

One thing that gave me great peace was to realize that if I had only a short time left there is nothing I would rather do than what I'm doing right now. I wouldn't feel regret that I wasn't spending my time doing  _____ (whatever; fill in the blank). I wouldn't feel cheated that I never got to Greece or Italy; Heaven is going to be so much more beautiful. I would be glad to spend my days doing exactly what I'm doing now, taking care of family and friends, doing a little writing and creating, hopefully trying to make my corner of the world a little more beautiful.

Another thing I realized is that there is no one that I need to forgive or made amends with. All of my relationships are "settled." Not perfect, but no loose ends. That is also a good feeling.

But I am so grateful for the opportunity to live longer; there really are so many things, given the opportunity, I want to do and see and learn. And so many people I want to love on.

Thanks for listening, friends, and I do hope you thank our Lord for this one beautiful, precious life we've been given. I know I am thanking Him.

Love, Deborah


  1. Deborah, I am very glad that you are safely through this past several weeks. I will be thinking about this post long after I leave.

  2. Hi Deborah, I am thankful that you received good news. I wish that I had known the burden you were carrying. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers. You have shared some very good advice here tonight. Thank you and God bless. Mildred

  3. Oh Deborah, thanks be to the Almighty Lord for the no cancer assessment. That was great news. Yes, life is such an immense gift....each and every moment. Susan

  4. Yes indeed, such times are hard. Guess what? It is actually worse for your husband if you have told him and if he understands. Your Mr B must have been wondering just how he would survive without your presence.
    I am glad you have a reprieve. Good news indeed. Time to plant a tree.
    I am also glad that your 'house' is in order. My mother gave everyone their inheritance while she could enjoy seeing how they used it. I have just been on a flashy holiday where a grandmother was doing the same - she had paid for ten members of her family to have the holiday with her. I have made sure my will is up-to-date and all the information is ready so that my family will be spared extra heartbreak when they are filled with grief. Some family members can not even cope with this. But I am aware that on any day an accident could happen.
    Once years ago, I had surgery for a very serious form of cancer. Afterwards the pathology results came back. The entire thing had been a mistake and there was no cancer at all. I had been to the doctor so many times and had so many tests! Life is full of mystery.
    Congratulations again on your good news.

    1. I think it's a great idea to share things while you're still here, and can enjoy them with your family and friends.

  5. Hi Deborah, I'm so happy that you are ok and no cancer and I do hope it stays that way for you. You will be in my prayers.

  6. Hi Deborah,

    I would never have guessed that you were experiencing all of these serious issues, regarding your health, both, physical and psychological, these past few weeks, from your posts, which are always so pleasant, and other times, thought provoking. Glad you are well, my friend, and sending prayers and positive energy your way. Enjoy your weekend!


  7. I have been down this path myself and can sympathize with the apprehension as you wait for final results. It is wonderful that you received good news and I'm happy for you. I am thankful for each day and try to live it to the fullest.
    Sending a hug across the miles for you!

  8. You stopped me right in my tracks with this post!
    What a powerful testimony. Very humbling and loving.

  9. Hi Deborah, I am so thankful you received good news and no cancer. I can't even imagine what you have been through and the thoughts that went through your mind. Waiting for results is never easy while trying to carry on like all is fine. You words are a wonderful lesson in being thankful for each and every day we have on this earth. Life can change in a moment. So happy you are okay. May you be Blessed in special ways and wonderful health for years to come.
    Sending you great BIG Texas Hugs~~

  10. My dear, sweet Deborah, you have given me much to ponder this morning. First of all, I am praising the Lord with you that you do not have cancer! I truly cannot imagine what the last two weeks have been like for you. . .wondering about the "unknown" and just simply waiting.

    The Lord certainly taught you a lot for which I am thankful because you, my friend, have just taught me a lot through your post. Please know you will be in my prayers. Sending lots of love your way :)

  11. I thank God with you! Reading this, I flashed back to when I was a young mother and, after many rounds of tests. was told "you may have a rare kind of (inoperable) brain tumor." I didn't, as it turned out, and was glad we hadn''t started a recommended regimen of intensive radiation!

    Have a joyous weekend. I have a feeling you will :) !

    1. Oh, that must have been an awful time for you! And yes, I am off on an impromptu weekend away! So happy :)

  12. Glad to hear you don't have cancer. God is good!

    Praying you will be blessed with many more years of health and happiness!

  13. Oh, Deborah, I am so sorry you've been burdened with such anxiety lately, but so happy all is well. Your words are so powerful and resonate with a message we all need to heed: enjoy this life as it is given to us and appreciate and be thankful for what we have around us. Thanks for reminding us. Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

    1. What a wonderful and positive outlook you have on what happened to you. This is why i so much enjoy receiving your blogs. Wish we were neighbors, you're the kind of person I would like to meet and be friends with. You must always put your trust in God, for He is always by your side. One of my favorite quotes is " Everyday is a gift that is my we call it the present"
      May the Lord keep you close. Hugs, Chris

    2. thank you so much Chris for your sweet comment, and for visiting.

  14. Ooooo....we're celebrating with you on this great news. And we're glad of your beautiful testimony in the midst of this waiting time that His word brought you through with peace. How these moments clarify for us what really matters.

    Sending you a big hug and a gentle kiss atop thy head,

  15. So glad to hear the good news and to rejoice with you! Hoping your time away is a real blessing :)

  16. Praise the Lord for His wondrous glory. You realise how precious life is when there is a possibility of loosing it. Whilst I have never been in your situation - I know Gods power as He watches over my son who is suffering from depression and I know He is making sure he sees life as worth living. God really does answer prayers :)

    In His grace.


  17. Your post was such a comfort and reminded me to be thankful and to rejoice in what I have a lovely relationship with my husband and family and no loose ends. I am having a little health scare at the moment, nothing serious but just enough to make you think. God bless.

  18. Deborah, I am so glad to hear that this health issue/scare has been resolved. Sometimes I think we need to be reminded that God is no respecter of persons and this can be a possibility in any of our any time. It is during these times when the peace of God that passes all understanding really kicks in. God bless you!

  19. Deborah, Your post was so moving--I'm sorry you are going through that stress, but it is wonderful that you got good news. Your post really does make us think about where we are in life, and makes us thankful for what we have. Best wishes!

  20. A beautiful post, Deborah, but I am sorry for all the worry that created it! I am also very happy for you and for your family, that you have been given a clean bill of health! My husband recently had a scare, and yes, waiting for those tests can be unbearably difficult. (He is fine, thank the Lord!) You face mortality and it changes your outlook, most certainly. I love that you say you wouldn't change anything about your life, that you are exactly where you want to be. That is so sweet - your family is very fortunate to have you in their lives - for many, many years I pray. Thank you for sharing, it makes me want to appreciate life a little bit more in your honor. Hugs xo Karen

  21. I'm sorry to read that you had such a time of worry and fear. All the stock-taking you did during that time is very revealing, isn't it? It sounds like you didn't need the scare in order to realise the value of your precious life, and that is also something to celebrate!

  22. Oh Deborah, thank God for this blessing. I am touched by your story and your honesty. I had no idea that you were going through all this. I am sure that it must have been a very stressful few weeks. You are such an inspiration for all of us Deborah. It makes me so happy to know that it is not cancer. God is wonderful. I will keep you in my prayers sweet friend.




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