When will it ever end?

May 7, 2014

I am pretty sure that white sugar and white flour are not my friends. I am pretty sure that if I want to lose these 15 pounds that cutting way back on white sugar and flour would really be helpful. And I suspect my overall health (which, thankfully, is very good) would be improved.

White sugar is aging. It contributes to belly fat as well as to a host of other problems. And it is ubiquitous, found in everything. Drastic measures need to be implemented. And soon.

But when? Every time I turn around, there are more opportunities to indulge. Last night, one of my book club friends brought over homemade molasses cookies. I had to try one. Or two. My friend visiting me from up north has a catering friend in the area and we stopped by his lunch counter on Monday. He treated us to an array of delicious goodies, ending with two types of homemade pie.

When will it ever end?!

This is at Jeff Zak's Catering, where the lunch counter and room featured vases of orange and yellow roses left over from a weekend wedding. (My idea of pure luxury would be to have overflowing vases of roses throughout my house.)

These escalloped tomatoes were delicious.

As was the soup and baked brie.

My friend is going home tomorrow, and I will renew my commitment to healthier eating. I will never say goodbye 100% to sugar and flour. I am unwilling to part with homemade scones and pie, for example, or an occasional special treat. But for goodness' sake, they need to feature in my diet on a little less regular basis.

Ha. As I was working on this post, my daughter came home with these, my favorite junk sugar . . .

So we nibbled on jelly beans as we looked at a magazine together. Then, and I am Not Kidding . . . a friend came by with these fabulous cannoli . . . 

Again, I ask, when will it ever end?

Have a lovely day, and enjoy your blessings friends . . . but maybe not too often.


  1. Hi - just started following you and I have to tell you - you are so right! Will it ever end? I have the same problem. I too have to limit my sugar. Great blog and look forward to reading your posts.


  2. teehee...This was an instant smile, Deborah.
    Sugar and white flour are not my friends either. What's up with those troublemakers? ;)

    PS-LOVE the orange and yellow roses. I just made a tulip door arrangement in the exact colors.

  3. You are funny Deborah:) Made me laugh. I feel your pain. Hubby and I are about to go low carb for a bit just to detox if you will to get rid of our winter 15. We'll get there...And I agree.. The roses are just lovely. Have a wonderful week.

  4. Oh, I got a laugh out of this! Isn't it hard to say no? I suppose we just have to eat healthy in between the pleasures and maybe ask for the smallest slice - but when it comes to some things, you just have to succumb. And do a lot of stair climbing and leg lifts.....:) The roses are so pretty. xo Karen

  5. I can't eat sugar....I have some kind of bad reaction to it so I can't even cheat. I don't know how I would resist if it wasn't for that. I get a little natural sugar each day with fruit but no sugar and not as much bread either. And that helps me maintain my weight. Good luck on making healthy choices...it's HARD! Hugs, Diane

  6. I'm in the same boat as you Deborah, trying to lose weight. Although, after reading this post I think I know what your problem is - you have too many kind hearted friends. :-)

  7. Deborah: I am in the exact same boat as you are! We went to dinner tonight to celebrate son's graduation, we will do the same again on Saturday, we have a church mothers day dinner this week, actual mothers day calls for big dinner plans, and on and on it goes. Oh, son #3 just came in with a box of candy for me for mothers day! I am doing my best when I am on my own for a day or if nothing special is going on. It just seems that it is only a few days at a time between splurge occasions!

  8. Hi Deborah,

    I could have written this post, after indulging in sweet and dreamy, delicious delights for the past two months, here in Toronto! Friends and family have been spoiling me and it's hard to refuse their generous and considerate gestures. MUST get back on track when I return to the island and that very popular Mediterranean diet!

    Everything in moderation, the ancient Greeks declared, so enjoy!


  9. OH would you look at that PIE!! :) I think that both of them look incredibly healthy and soul-satisfying :)

  10. Oh, I hear you, Deborah, and understand about the sugar. I can never fully give it up either, but I have learned moderation and have to limit myself. I've been on The Zone diet for over 14 years and it helps me balance my carbs. I've kept the 30 pounds off that had crept up on me. Now, I'm so used to it, that it's just a way of life for me now.

  11. It is so funny to read your post today, because this morning I vowed to limit carbs today. Yesterday I couldn't get enough of them for some reason and woke up feeling queasy and yucky! I also had no energy yesterday and am hoping today is better with some better dietary decisions. It's so hard with a Mother's Day Brunch on the horizon, but I've got to give it a try! Take care, Rosie

  12. I stay away from refined flour and sugar too, and am successful in limiting my consumption of them. Let your friends and family know of your desire to limit flour and sugar. I visit an older friend and when she offers sweets or juice I just say no with a smile. I came over from Fabbys blog to say hi.

  13. Oh my goodness- I am now all kinds of hungry! My dh is a diabetic and I know what you are talking about with the sugar and such. It is hard. But he did it, and I keep trying, but I love breads too much! Good luck to you in your quest , but oh my- the cannoli!!

  14. This is so funny Deborah. I can definitely relate. I love t bake and I especially love to eat sweets. And I am not one to resist the temptation. Just looking at your photos made me laugh because I would have been in trouble at your friends shop. So many treats and food. What a great day it must have been. I know I need to cut back on my sugars too. I will do my very best.

    Have a wonderful mother's day and thanks for visiting me.

  15. Goodness, even if we commit to NO LONGER make the stuff ourselves, other people foist it upon us, don't they? You really did have a sugar/flour overload for a few days. I've heard that white sugar is our national addiction, the elephant in the room. I've cut way back for our whole family on consuming white sugar - I can tell by how seldom I buy it. I just don't back naughty things anymore. We still bake with white flour. As you noted in a more recent post ... the secret is in saying "no." :)


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