Guess who's been coming for dinner?

May 27, 2014

All this time I've been blaming the squirrels for emptying our bird feeders. Seems there's been another culprit in the neighborhood. 


Someone was just telling me that his friend has spent $2500 !! on contraptions trying to keep squirrels away from his bird feeders. They just tear everything down apparently. I can't even imagine. That has got to be made into an Adam Sandler movie. 


  1. BUSTED!!! Oh, he looks folks live in Denver, and have HORRIBLE squirrel problems. He uses a live trap, and relocates them. Hope your week is wonderful, Deborah! XOXO

  2. I find it hilarious that people try their darndest to control critters in the wild. I bet those squirrels are smarter than any $2500 worth of contraptions. :)

  3. $2500!! I can't even imagine spending that much. I'd just give up after while I guess, lol! I've had squirrels destroy a few feeders over the years and once we had a couple of raccoons visit our feeder. Unfortunately, the feeder was hanging outside our bedroom window and hearing a raccoon jump up and grab the window screen while he's trying to get to the feeder at 2:00 a.m. is a little nerve wrecking to say the least. Thankfully, the window was closed or we would have had a raccoon in bed with us!

  4. The raccoon is cute! I see them here occasionally too. If I leave cat food out overnight, they eat it. I used to put out suet cakes but they would tear them open and the whole container would be on the ground (so I quit putting suet out). We have lots of squirrels and I even feed them over the winter. In return, they plant lots of little walnut trees for me. :)

  5. Raccoon's are so cute, but can be such a pain! I have a bird feeder out, but thankfully I don't have any extra visitors. . .yet! Hugs to you, lovely lady!

  6. Dearest Deborah,
    WHY for heavens sake bother to get rid of any of them? They were there before we came to live there. Live and let live. It is far easier to use those $ 2,500 on some food for critters, feathered and those with fur.

  7. Raccoons are so cute in their little masks, but can he pretty ornery too. Cats and squirrels need to beware:)

  8. Raccoons , those clever bandits ! Leave it up to a raccoon to find an easy source of gourmet food. Hope the bears don't find you too.Our local news showed a bear raiding the bird feeders of residents living near wood lands. Apparently the word is out , you are offering free food . Come one, come all.

  9. Oh they are clever little buggers. What a shame. The only good thing is that they aren't bears.

  10. OMGosh! You caught him--what a great photo :)

  11. The raccoons have been feasting on snails from our pond lately - crushed shells around the outside so birdseed must be a last resort. You have to admit Deborah, they are kinda cute?

  12. And raccoons are so BIG, and so scary, when you meet them face to face. I walked on a friend's deck one night when we were staying there, turned a corner, and there was a large raccoon! Quite a shock. I hope you can get yours to go elsewhere, even though they are kind of cute.

  13. Besides cute, they sure are clever! They once broke into a friend's condo, while they were on vacation. They made a huge mess in the kitchen and family room. One window was not completely closed.

  14. I just had to come and visit you, and look what post I found! :) Too funny girl!
    I had to laugh at Butterfly8)(8Bungalow's comment. lol
    Since I started taking the feeders in at night I haven't really seen our little friend. Who knows though, he may still be around.
    Happy day to you!


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