
May 24, 2014

I was leaning on the deck railing yesterday afternoon staring absently into the woods as I chatted with my son. He lives out of state, and although it's been two years, I still haven't gotten over missing him.

It was a blessing to lean there, feeling the warm sun on my shoulders, listening to my son share his week with me.

As I was listening, my eyes focused as I spied something small and white on the floor of the woods, in the shadows of a clearing. I didn't think there were any "clearings" in our woods, only a thick growth of underbrush.

But there they were, in a patch of ground clear of bramble and brush, tiny, bell-like flowers among glossy green leaves.

After I finished talking with my son, I got some scissors and headed down the stairs from the deck. I ducked under the low branches of a hawthorn bush and cut a small bunch of these beautiful lilies of the valley.

In the middle of enjoying one blessing, I almost missed another. But there they were, just waiting for eyes to see.

Serendipity? Yes, I like that word. It means an unexpected, happy surprise. I like to think that God delights in blessing us in small ways as well as in big ways.

You see, in the language of flowers, which I've written about in my last two posts, lilies of the valley mean return to happiness.

I've been feeling sad over a few things lately. This little, beautifully fragrant bouquet is a lovely symbol of hope for me, a promise that happier days are ahead.

I like how the old King James puts it in Ps. 68:19:
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits . . . 

Wishing you a happy day filled with gentle joys, friends.

Sharing with A Return to Loveliness.


  1. One of the joys of looking for beauty in the small things.....a wee posy to brighten your day lifts the veil of gloom. They are the sweetest little flowers in the to roses of course!

  2. One of the joys of looking for beauty in the small things.....a wee posy to brighten your day lifts the veil of gloom. They are the sweetest little flowers in the to roses of course!

  3. Thanks for sharing Deborah! What an encouraging post....I love that verse too. Yesterday we went grocery shopping and found Cocoa puffs cereal, Oreo cookies, and real Gouda cheese. My 3 children begged my husband and I to buy these 3 things (so we relented and did because they are normally unavailable here in Brazil). Living here in Brazil is sometimes hard for me being so far from everyone dear to me and from the U.S. My 8 year old sat at the table nibbling on little pieces of Gouda that she had cut. She said, "God really blessed us today didn't he, Mom"? Not one, but 3 things we love and never normally get He gave us today---and the Bible does say Every good thing comes from God, so I am thankful, Mom." With tears in my eyes I had to agree with her wisdom:) It was a great reminder for me. Have a wonderful weekend...and remember good things are coming. And that every good thing you have already, is from him too.

  4. What a pretty find and I love your message too!

  5. This is a lovely post. The delicate Lily of the Valley, and the sweet reminder.

  6. If those are your photos up there, you ROCK, woman...absolutely beautiful, Deborah. Hope your weekend is, as well - XOXOXOXO

  7. Hope and joy...such beautiful words and so crucial to our lives. Hoping all looks us for you very soon. Enjoy your weekend !! xo

  8. Such a precious and reassuring post, Deborah. Thank for you the sweet reminder. I find myself quite low these days and it's wonderful how God uses friends like you to lift us up. :) Lori

  9. A beautiful and heart felt post!!
    Beautiful blooms!

    I have 2 sons and they live 5 minutes from me . One I see weekly for a home cooked dinner on Thursdays and the other and his girl friend, I see about every few weeks. But I know that they are close. It would be hard not seeing them for 2 years. I am sure you miss him.....


  10. Hi Deborah, I love lily of the valley flowers and I have them in my garden too! I hope they cheer you up! Have a Happy Memorial Day tomorrow.

  11. Dearest Deborah,
    Indeed, life's happiness is often to be found in the little miracles around us. We only have to use our eyes and look for them. It's not always about the big things and events!
    Wishing you a happy new week and strength for getting over whatever you need to digest.

  12. God does send his special blessings just when we need them! Love when he extends his grace in very tangible ways.
    I appreciate your visit,
    Mary Alice

  13. There they were, those fragrant little fairy bells, just waiting for you to notice them. I look forward to bringing in a bouquet of them myself soon.

  14. What a tender, sweet and encouraging post, Deborah. I, too, have been very troubled for at least a week, and your lovely photos and words makes me feel that I need to look around at the positive things around me and find "the lilies of the valley" in my life to know things will be all right in time. I hope the sun shines through for you soon. Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  15. What a joy when we discover those gifts that our Father leaves us tucked away purposely so that we may seek Him. Too many times we're so distraught that we miss them. Glad the bells found their way to you. Let them ring and sing a new song, and may that melody linger in your heart for a very long time.

  16. I absolutely adore lilies of the valley, so perfectly tiny and beautiful!

  17. A lovely post today. Lily's of the Valley are wonderful. I talked about them in my post today too.

  18. What a beautiful post Deborah. So touching and heartfelt. Beauty is all around us, we just need to slow down and look around us to find it. So glad you got to share with your son. That is such a blessing. Your Lily's of the Valley are a precious find.



  19. They are lovely...glad they caught your eye :)

    My oldest lives out of state as well. Then at Christmas time he caught a bad flu and couldn't come home..Seems like its been ages since we've all been together at the same time :)

  20. Yes, gentle lovely. It is the small things that can bring the greatest pleasures. I have fond memories of picking Lily Of The Valley as a little girl. We lived beside an old Victorian home that had been sadly, turned into apartments, and around one side of that old house grew bunches of these sweet little flowers. I remember picking them by my little handfuls and bringing them to my mother. Thanks for bringing back a sweet memory.

  21. What a wonderful surprise, Deborah,to find the lily of the valley. I'm sure your house with filled with such a delightful fragrance. I had them in Ohio, but not here in Texas.

  22. How sweet are these flowers! They will always be a favorite. I was sad when my first son graduated but, he still lives here and goes to college. It would have been hard if he moved away. This is a bittersweet time in life at this age. Still so much life but you then realize it will be full of new routines.

  23. Lovely post. These flowers are one of my favorites. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  24. One of my very favorite flowers ~

  25. This is a beautiful, encouraging post! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  26. Truly tender and encouraging. Delightful post. Found you when at Lines from Linderhof...


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