

June 29, 2020

Biblical Minimalism book review and giveaway

Please read to the end to see how you can receive a copy of Cheryl E. Smith's book, Biblical Minimalism: Following Jesus from a Life of Abundance to a More Abundant Life.

I was so excited to receive a copy of this book. I have been following Cheryl's blogs, Biblical Minimalism and Homespun Devotionsfor a while now, and knew that I was in for a wonderfully encouraging and challenging read. Many of you may already know her, and her sweet, tender heart and her devotion to speaking words of truth and encouragement. As soon as I heard she had written a book, I knew that I could expect deep and satisfying help and guidance. I wasn't disappointed.

I have been on a minimizing and decluttering journey for some years now. No one who comes to my house would think I'm a minimalist with all my teacups and books, but I have decluttered many, many areas of my life, from clothing and decor and china to commitments and distractions, the most recent being Facebook (what freedom!).

I've read Marie Kondo with my book club and have studied and implemented ideas from a number of books, blogs, and articles over the years. All of these have been helpful in simplifying my life.

But Cheryl's book, Biblical Minimalism, isn't just another book in a long line of minimalism books that are so popular right now. She takes the whole minimalism thing to a much deeper level. This is not simply a book that shows you how to declutter your closet or how to get out of debt, although she covers these things. This is a Scripture-saturated book that really seeks to explain the WHY of minimizing and simplifying. 

Cheryl describes Biblical Minimalism as being, "a complete, whole-person release of anything unlike Jesus, a letting go of everything that hinders us from following Him wholeheartedly and single-mindedly and relinquishing all that brings us under bondage to this earthly, temporary life."

Her book is full of Scripture, and this, along with her inspiring personal story, is what makes this book so much richer than other books on the subject. In her gentle and compassionate writing style, she points the way for us as she describes her own minimalism journey, which included her family getting rid of 90% of their possessions. I had to stop reading in astonishment and ask my husband what we would get rid of if we did something like that. We came to the conclusion that it would be easier to decide what 10% we wanted to keep! This is hard-core minimalism! (Cheryl is quick to point out, however, that everyone's journey is different and she is not advocating for us all to do the same unless called to do so.)

She takes us through her family's journey of drastically downsizing, of getting out of debt, and of leaving a legalistic church. Throughout it all the cry of her heart is to follow Jesus. To allow nothing to distract her from her call to live in radical obedience to and "love for the single-minded, eternity focused, unassuming, plain-living Galilean Who laid down His life and shed His blood for our redemption."

Cheryl is not just talking about physical possessions that weigh us down and prevent us from living an unencumbered life. She talks about emotional baggage, such as unforgiveness, of mental clutter, of unhelpful or unnecessary obligations and commitments, and of all the myriad of distractions in our social-media obsessed and consumer culture.

Cheryl shares her journey with us, and gives us practical tips for minimizing. She guides us through steps to take to discover our true calling and purpose, and helps us to look at each section of our life to see where we need to be more intentional about minimizing. These are all very helpful, and I plan to re-read these sections prayerfully. But I think the best part of this book is how she continually points us to Scripture. I was again struck by how often Jesus speaks on this subject.

We're not to downsize and minimize just so our homes can have a pleasing aesthetic. We're not to simplify our calendar just so we have more time to do what we want to do. There's a purpose to all this that goes beyond having a quieter and more peaceful life for its own sake. The whole point is, as Cheryl says, "to let go of this world for the sake of a higher call."

I plan on re-reading this book. I've already marked up my copy! I know you will be blessed by reading it as well.

Please leave a comment to be entered into a giveaway to receive a copy of Cheryl's book. I will leave the giveaway open for a week, until midnight July 6. If you'd like to order a copy for yourself or a friend, please click HERE

Cheryl Smith is the author of the book “Biblical Minimalism,” the story of her family’s journey from a life of abundance to a more abundant life. She is the author of the blogs Biblical Minimalism, where she writes about minimalism from a Biblical perspective, and Homespun Devotions, where she writes devotionals and conducts “Inner Views.” She loves to spend time with her husband and son in the mountains, sing and play Bluegrass music, and write.


  1. Wow, what a wonderful review of this spiritually motivating book. Thanks for sharing. ~ Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Dear Deborah! My heart is so full of gratitude to you for your kind, thoughtful review of our book. Your words were such a great encouragement and dear blessing to me this morning. May the Lord richly and abundantly bless you in countless ways! Much love and gratitude to you.

  3. Cheryl's Homespun Devotionals is on my blog list and I enjoy her writing. I will have to check out her other blog. Hope all is well with you and yours. I just read that a favorite blogger has COVID-19 (a mild case). Our world is upside down and Yehovah is the only One to set it right.

  4. How interesting. I've been decluttering this year and right now with the roofers here, I put things away in case dust fell...and it did. I have really enjoyed having my dresser empty and kitchen counters clear. I don't think I'll put everything back again either. Hugs!

  5. The idea of letting go of whatever hinders my following of Jesus is not new to me, but just reading about the book makes me realize I have barely scratched the surface.

  6. Sounds wonderful, as you know we have recently (actually its 3 years ago) moved and downsized with plenty of decluttering on the way. A great review of a what sounds like a spiritually moving book.

  7. Sounds like a really good book - I'd love to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I'm a minimalist in most aspects of my life...except for my teas and teacups! Solitary quarantine for 3 months isn't easy (even for an introvert like me!), but my teas and teawares are bringing me joy during these tough times.

  9. I would love to be able to read a book on minimalism from a christian perspective.


  10. I'm so glad I came across this blog and the minimalist living. A tornado "decluttered" our house 18 years ago. The book sounds wonderful.

  11. Wow, I might just have to order this and read it. Sounds like the real deal. Have a wonderful 4th!

  12. You've shared such a beautiful review of dear Cheryl's book... I have the book, and will be doing a review/giveaway on my blog soon, so no need to enter my name in the drawing, but I just want to say, along with your beautiful review, amen and amen! This is not just another "minimalist" book... but on a much deeper level, it reaches deep into your heart and deals with those heavy heart issues that drag us down. Filled with scriptures woven beautifully into the fabric of the book, Cheryl shares powerful truth about walking with Jesus in these difficult, trying days we live in. May the Lord bless whoever becomes the owner of this wonderful book... much love to you dear friend!

  13. I just found your blog and I love it. I will be pouring over ever post! Your review of this book makes me want to purchase multiple copies as gifts for my girls.

    Grace & Peace,

  14. Thank you for sharing about Cheryl Smith's book and the True Depth of uncluttering.

  15. Yes...thanks for sharing - you have truly peaked my curiosity! I shall visit Cheryl ♥ I am certain I will glean much.


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